DICC Staff

Dental implant

Can dental implants be a solution for periodontal disease?

Discover in this article how periodontal disease may be harming your teeth and overall health without your knowledge, and learn how to prevent, identify, and manage it, with possible treatment options such as dental implants. Periodontal disease is a severe gum tissue infection that can cause bone loss, but dental implants may provide an effective […]

Can dental implants be a solution for periodontal disease? Read More »

Dentures vs. dental implants

Dentures Vs. Dental Implants: a comprehensive comparison

Are you searching for the optimal solution to address missing teeth? Explore the fascinating distinctions between dental implants and dentures, which encompass factors such as convenience, durability, comfort, aesthetics, jawbone health, and expenses. Determine which alternative aligns with your particular needs and preferences. Are you fed up with the inconvenience caused by dentures? Perhaps they

Dentures Vs. Dental Implants: a comprehensive comparison Read More »

Dental x-rays

What to do if you don’t have enough bone for dental implants

A crucial prerequisite for dental implants is the presence of bone that is both dense and adequate in quantity. Researching dental implants can come as a surprise when discovering that bone is a crucial requirement. Sufficient bone density and quantity are necessary for successful dental implantation. Tooth loss can result in bone loss due to

What to do if you don’t have enough bone for dental implants Read More »

Dentures and partials: understanding their differences

Do full and partial dentures provide an effective solution for missing teeth? If you have missing teeth or are facing tooth extraction, you may have already received a lot of information about dentures, which are often viewed as the default solution. However, this narrow perspective has caused many people to overlook alternative options. Instead of

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Dentures for the elderly

Are dentures the best choice for elderly people?

Given that dentures have their own set of challenges, we do not suggest them as the top choice for tooth replacement. Therefore, what alternatives are available? Are dentures the best option for elderly people? An alternative way to phrase this question would be “Which tooth replacement option enables you to consume healthy protein and vegetables

Are dentures the best choice for elderly people? Read More »


Comprehensive guide to dentures for cancer patients

Keep in mind that dentures offer a temporary solution that could result in long-term negative consequences, while dental implants provide a more durable option. Nonetheless, because dental implants are long-lasting and easy to maintain, they may be a great recommendation for cancer patients undergoing treatment. Every year, more than 1.5 million Americans receive a cancer

Comprehensive guide to dentures for cancer patients Read More »

Dental Implant 3D model

Research investigates whether the use of tooth replacements reduces the likelihood of cognitive decline

At the 52nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the AADOCR, which coincided with the 47th Annual Meeting of the CADR, a study was presented to investigate whether using fixed prostheses as tooth replacements could potentially safeguard against cognitive impairment. The AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition was held from March 15-18, 2023, at the Oregon Convention

Research investigates whether the use of tooth replacements reduces the likelihood of cognitive decline Read More »

Old dentures

The history of dentures

While our natural teeth have remained relatively unchanged over time, our understanding of dental health has improved significantly. Throughout history, teeth have been considered crucial, and our ancestors developed ingenious methods to create dentures. Our knowledge and technology have advanced significantly in the last two millennia, progressing from a hunter-gatherer society to industrialization and enabling

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