DICC Staff


Comprehensive guide to dentures for cancer patients

Keep in mind that dentures offer a temporary solution that could result in long-term negative consequences, while dental implants provide a more durable option. Nonetheless, because dental implants are long-lasting and easy to maintain, they may be a great recommendation for cancer patients undergoing treatment. Every year, more than 1.5 million Americans receive a cancer […]

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Dental Implant 3D model

Research investigates whether the use of tooth replacements reduces the likelihood of cognitive decline

At the 52nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the AADOCR, which coincided with the 47th Annual Meeting of the CADR, a study was presented to investigate whether using fixed prostheses as tooth replacements could potentially safeguard against cognitive impairment. The AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition was held from March 15-18, 2023, at the Oregon Convention

Research investigates whether the use of tooth replacements reduces the likelihood of cognitive decline Read More »

Old dentures

The history of dentures

While our natural teeth have remained relatively unchanged over time, our understanding of dental health has improved significantly. Throughout history, teeth have been considered crucial, and our ancestors developed ingenious methods to create dentures. Our knowledge and technology have advanced significantly in the last two millennia, progressing from a hunter-gatherer society to industrialization and enabling

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If you have flat (thick) gums, here’s how to make dentures work properly

About gum types There are two basic types of gums: thin (scalloped) and thick (flat). Thin (scalloped) gums Thin gums have a triangle shape and are thinner where they meet the tooth. They are more prone to gum recession, where the gum tissue pulls away from the teeth. This can be prevented by gentle daily

If you have flat (thick) gums, here’s how to make dentures work properly Read More »


Planning meals with dentures: choosing foods that are safe to eat

If you wear dentures, meal planning requires careful consideration. Some foods may pose challenges that outweigh their nutritional benefits and should be avoided. In life, some things can be improved with a little advance planning. This is especially true if you have dentures to replace missing teeth. Gone are the days of spontaneous snacking or

Planning meals with dentures: choosing foods that are safe to eat Read More »

Woman looking at her dentures

Are your dentures rubbing your gums? Here’s what you may have to do

It’s unfortunate that you may have been informed that experiencing gum pain and discomfort is typical, causing you to endure it without seeking a solution. However, the root cause of your sore gums could be attributed to your dentures rubbing against them, leading to irritation and swelling. In some cases, you may have developed denture

Are your dentures rubbing your gums? Here’s what you may have to do Read More »

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