DICC Staff

All-On-4 Dental Implants

What exactly are All-on-4 Implants made of?

Have you ever wondered about the materials that make up All-on-4 Dental Implants? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll delve into the components and materials that comprise All-on-4 Implants, incorporating the insightful answers we’ve explored in our chat. Why All-On-4 can be a great choice All-on-4 dental implants are an […]

What exactly are All-on-4 Implants made of? Read More »

Deep cleaning

Deep Cleanings and periodontal maintenance: what you should know

Deep cleaning, also known as periodontal scaling and root planing, is a specialized dental procedure performed by dentists or dental hygienists to treat gum disease or periodontitis. It is a more extensive and thorough cleaning compared to a regular dental cleaning (prophylaxis) that is typically performed during routine dental check-ups. The purpose of a deep

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Partial dentures

Partial Dentures: a comprehensive guide

Restoring missing teeth is crucial for maintaining dental health and self-assurance. Missing teeth not only affect your smile’s aesthetics but can also give rise to other dental problems like an imbalanced bite, eventually leading to tooth decay. An effective remedy for missing teeth is the use of partial dentures. These dentures operate much like regular

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Why are dental implants so expensive

¿Por qué cuestan tanto los implantes dentales?

“¿Por qué cuestan tanto los implantes dentales?” Cuando comienzas a investigar sobre los implantes dentales, es común preguntarse por el costo. Sin embargo, la respuesta es compleja ya que hay varios factores que influyen en el costo, lo que resulta en una amplia gama de precios. En primer lugar, los implantes dentales son considerados un

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Anchored dentures

Dentaduras Ancladas: una guía completa

Los pacientes que luchan con dientes dañados, en mal estado o faltantes pueden optar por prótesis dentales ancladas en lugar de prótesis dentales tradicionales debido al mejor agarre y fuerza de mordida que proporcionan las primeras. También pueden haber considerado soluciones dentales permanentes como All-On-4. En este artículo, profundizaremos en qué son las prótesis dentales

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Anchored dentures

Anchored Dentures: a comprehensive guide

Patients who are struggling with damaged, failing, or missing teeth may opt for anchored dentures instead of traditional dentures due to the better grip and bite strength provided by the former. They may have also considered permanent dental implant solutions like All-On-4. In this article, we will delve into what anchored dentures are, their benefits

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Snap-on Dentures vs. All-On-4 Implants

All-on-Four Implants vs. Dentures: a complete guide

If you have a significant number of missing teeth, you’re probably aware of the problems it can cause with your smile’s appearance. It can also make speaking and eating properly more challenging compared to when you had a full set of teeth. Fortunately, there are highly effective solutions available to address these issues and restore

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What to eat after a dental implant surgery

What should I eat after a dental implant surgery?

For a smooth recovery after dental implant surgery, patients are advised to adhere to the following dietary recommendations. It is crucial to steer clear of any foods that might cause physical disruption or discomfort to the implant. The foremost consideration is to avoid skipping meals since obtaining the necessary nutrients is crucial for recuperation and

What should I eat after a dental implant surgery? Read More »

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