Dental Implant before & after

Choosing a dental procedure without considering all the relevant information is a risky move. While price is an important factor, it is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to making an informed decision about treatment options and providers.

It is essential to attend a personalized consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for the procedure and to receive specific information about the financial implications for you. This guide provides general information, but only a consultation with a professional can provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of your dental health and personalized treatment options.

Dental Implant before & after

It is unfortunate that many dental implant providers are not transparent with their pricing and fees, making it difficult for patients to make informed decisions. However, we believe in providing our patients with all the information they need to make the best decision for their dental health. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about our transparent pricing and commitment to patient care.

Our aim is to provide complete transparency regarding the national average costs, how insurance coverage affects the treatment, and the eligibility criteria for an affordable monthly payment plan. We believe that this information will help you make an informed decision and choose us as your dental implant provider.

But what sets us apart from others is that you can have your permanent set of teeth in less time. You won’t have to deal with temporary dentures. If you’re unsure about what this means, don’t worry, we’ll explain it in more detail in this article.

So whether you’re missing one tooth, three teeth, or need a complete set of adult teeth, you’ve come to the right place.

Implant patients can get a new life

In this guide, you will discover that dental costs can be quite expensive. According to a study from Spear Education, the average person who lives to be 85 will spend over $95,000 on dental expenses over their lifetime. This can seem like a massive burden, but it’s essential to view dental costs as an investment in yourself rather than a financial hardship.

Ignoring dental issues can lead to constant pain, difficulty eating, and other problems that can negatively impact your life. By investing in your dental health, you can improve your overall well-being and potentially even open new doors and opportunities for yourself.

For instance, one of our patients at Dental & Implant Centers Of Colorado had a full upper and lower set of teeth replaced with dental implants, which transformed her smile and gave her the confidence to pursue a new career.

This investment in herself propelled her towards new opportunities that she previously may not have considered. While teeth alone may not lead to a career change, the investment in your dental health can have a ripple effect on your life.

We will share more stories of patients like her later, but the takeaway is that dental implants can make a significant difference in a person’s life. Let’s explore this topic in more detail.

The cost of inaction can be too high

Ignoring the issue is not an option, and here’s why: neglecting missing teeth and active infections can lead to irreversible damage to the body, making it imperative to address these issues promptly.

Missing teeth

A study has found that there is a direct correlation between the number of missing teeth and a person’s lifespan. The study clearly concluded that individuals with more missing teeth tend to live shorter lives. On average, those missing five or more teeth may have their lifespan reduced by up to six years. It’s important to note that this information is presented solely for informational purposes and does not imply that the same will happen to everyone.

Missing teeth

According to the study, tooth loss is a common occurrence as people age, and it reduces their ability to chew and select food, leading to poor nutritional status and overall health. Additionally, there is increasing evidence that oral infections may contribute to the development of systemic diseases, particularly among the elderly.

Infection in the mouth

Patients with heart disease are often referred to us by cardiologists for comprehensive oral care, as there is a well-established link between infection in the mouth and its impact on overall health, as demonstrated by numerous studies. In fact, individuals with periodontitis are 34% more likely to develop heart disease, which is the leading cause of death for both men and women from various backgrounds, according to the CDC.

It’s crucial to understand the significance of these risks, regardless of whether you choose to undergo dental implant treatment or not. A CT scan can reveal signs of infection, such as dark areas where bone should be and areas where bone has been lost due to tooth extraction. The image below illustrates a severe case of infection in which the upper jaw was no longer a viable candidate for dental implant treatment, and the patient was limited to a denture.

Missing teeth and bone loss

It’s important to discuss your CT scan results with your spouse as it can be difficult for them to fully grasp the potential risks and impacts on your health without being present at the consultation.

Dental bone graft

The good news is that there is a solution to both missing teeth and jawbone deterioration. Our dental implant procedure involves removing all infected teeth and bone, and replacing them with dental implants that act like natural tooth roots and help prevent further bone loss. With the source of infection removed, there’s no need to worry about harmful effects on the body.

However, it’s important to note that there are various types of full mouth dental implant procedures to consider.

Infection in the jaw bone

The infection in the jawbone leads to bone deterioration, making it soft and weak, much like a piece of wood that has been exposed to rain for too long. Over time, the bone becomes so weakened that it cannot be used for any purpose, similar to unusable wood.

The CT scan image below provides a clear illustration of the significant bone loss that can occur from missing just one or two teeth in a particular part of the mouth. Notice the upper right side of the image where there is a larger curve upward indicating that a considerable amount of bone has vanished because of the absence of a tooth or dental implant to stimulate the bone. On the bottom left side, there is a large downward curve due to the absence of back molars for a long time. If these issues are not addressed promptly, the corrective measures become more dangerous and expensive.

Tooth loss and your mental health

Numerous research studies have investigated the correlation between missing teeth and serious mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, social isolation, and low self-esteem. The results were alarming: even if only one tooth was missing, regardless of its position in the mouth, it was directly linked to the mental health issues mentioned above. If you’re interested, you can read the abstract and conclusion here.

So, why is this information in this full mouth guide and what does it imply for you?

First and foremost, it’s to let you know that if you’re experiencing negative emotions due to the state of your teeth, you’re not alone. It’s okay to desire a solution and want to address the problem. Many patients we’ve treated have expressed feeling selfish for wanting to undergo dental implant treatment. However, it’s not a selfish decision – it’s something that affects your daily life and could lead to real issues with your mental health.

Therefore, we hope that you recognize the hidden cost of doing nothing and are inspired to explore potential solutions, such as the options below, to improve your oral health and overall well-being.

Types of Dental Implant Treatment

Single Tooth Implants

Many patients require a Full Mouth Dental Implant or Full Mouth Reconstruction, which means replacing all of their teeth on both their upper and lower jaw. This is also referred to as All-on-4 Dental Implants.

It’s important to note that here at Dental & Implant Centers Of Colorado we perform procedures that involve the entire upper, lower, or both jaws, and we are always ready to provide information about other types of dental implant treatments as well.

Single dental implants

For those who only need to replace a single missing tooth, single tooth implants are available. The typical cost for a single tooth implant ranges from around $1,999 to $5,000, depending on various factors, which will be discussed in a separate section.

Dental Implant Bridges

Dental implant bridges are typically used to replace three or more missing teeth, particularly at the back of the mouth. The implants are placed with at least one tooth gap in between them.

The cost of a dental implant bridge can vary depending on the number of implants required, but you can generally expect to pay between $8,000 and $11,000 for a three-implant bridge, which includes the cost of the crowns in between the implants.

Dental Implant Bridge

Some may question whether it’s worth spending that much on just a few teeth when they could replace the entire set instead. While there are advantages to keeping your natural teeth, it may not be the most cost-effective option. However, many providers will try to help you save your natural teeth whenever possible.

Regular Dentures

Moving on to Full Arch Solutions, or replacing an entire upper or lower set of teeth. While this guide is primarily focused on dental implants, traditional dentures remain an option. However, they are the cheapest and least satisfying option for most patients due to their poor quality and stability.

At our practice, we see many patients who are looking for anything more stable and comfortable than dentures. The cost of dentures ranges from $500 to $8,000 per arch. Our experience shows that the cons of dentures, including poor fit and discomfort, can far outweigh the pros in many cases.

If you’re considering dentures, you can refer to our ultimate guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants to see a detailed comparison of the pros and cons. For our patients, the only benefits of dentures are their low cost and the fact that they allow for basic functions such as chewing and smiling.

Regular dentures

Snap-On Dentures

If you’re open to a removable dental solution, Snap-On Dentures may be an option for you. While we primarily focus on fixed dental implant solutions, we’ll still cover Snap-On Dentures.

Snap-On Dentures are typically secured onto two or four implants, and you can find more information on them in our Ultimate Guide to Full Mouth Dental Implants. They are a step up from traditional dentures because they eliminate the need for adhesive.

Snap-On Dentures

However, based on our experience, many patients still encounter issues with them, which is why we no longer offer them at our locations. They may require frequent adjustments or even complete replacements, and the connecting parts that hold the teeth to the implants can wear out over time.

The cost of Snap-On Dentures can vary depending on the number of implants needed and other factors. Our research indicates an average cost of around $30,000 for a reputable provider to create a full upper and lower set.

While Snap-On Dentures may be an option for some, it’s important to keep in mind the potential drawbacks and consider other permanent solutions such as fixed dental implants.

All-On-4 Implants

Approximately 41 million people are estimated to be using dentures, meaning they have lost all their teeth in either their upper or lower jaw. That’s a significant number of individuals, which means if you’re one of them or may become one in the future and reading this, you’re not alone. Additionally, if you’ve read this far, it’s highly probable that you’re seeking a solution for all of your teeth.

All-on-4 dental implants are a type of full-arch dental implant solution. They’re used to replace all of the teeth in one or both arches of your mouth (the upper or lower jaw). The idea behind all-on-4 implants is to give you a brand new set of teeth that are fixed permanently in your mouth, just like natural teeth.

The name “all-on-4” refers to the fact that this type of implant procedure typically involves four implants that are placed in the jawbone. The implants are strategically positioned in a way that allows them to support a full arch of replacement teeth. The idea is to distribute the pressure of your bite evenly across all of the implants, so that your new teeth feel stable and comfortable.

One of the advantages of all-on-4 implants is that they can often be placed in a single day, which means you can leave the dental office with a brand new set of teeth in just one visit. This is possible because the implants are designed to fuse with your jawbone over time, providing a stable foundation for your replacement teeth.

All-on-4 implants are typically more affordable than traditional implant solutions because they use fewer implants and require less overall treatment time. They can also be a good option if you have limited bone density in your jaw, as the implants are placed in areas of the jaw that tend to have more bone.

All On Four Dental Implants

A full set of teeth anchored to dental implants offers the most natural function available today, second only to your natural teeth. With this type of solution, you won’t have to remove your teeth, providing a permanent and fixed solution. Only the professionals who installed them can remove them.

Have you ever gone a decade without being able to enjoy the foods you love or eat healthily? Perhaps you already have. It’s no surprise that many patients express wishing they had pursued treatment sooner. Regret is a difficult thing to quantify, and it’s a mindset that has enabled these patients to make progress with their treatment and transform their lives.

Regardless of what you choose, you will have to invest in your teeth throughout your lifetime. The unique advantage of dental implants is that you receive financing upfront and make monthly payments.

The additional benefit is that you don’t have to deal with ongoing issues associated with traditional dentistry.

Factors that influence pricing

  1. The weekend course doctor

    Did you know that any dentist can take a weekend course on dental implants and start performing the procedure right after? However, it’s important to consider the experience level of your dental implant provider, especially for a full mouth restoration.
    You might want to ask your provider how many full mouth restorations and implants they have done or usually do each year, and if they perform these procedures regularly.
    While some dentists may offer lower prices to attract new patients, it may be worth paying more for a provider with more experience to ensure the procedure goes smoothly and is done right.
    At Dental & Implant Centers Of Colorado, our surgeons and restorative doctors specialize in full arch restorations and perform these procedures day in and day out, so you can trust that you’re in good hands.

  2. Zygomatic implants, bone grafting or other complexities

    If your jaw bone has experienced severe loss, you may need additional surgical procedures that increase the total cost of treatment. The following video provides a more detailed explanation of these types of procedures:Dental implant solutions for those with significant bone loss: bone grafting, zygomatic implants, and more.

  3. Impact of geographical location

    The cost of dental implant treatment may vary depending on where you live. Areas with higher costs of living or major metropolitan cities may lead to higher charges from providers. However, this is not always the case and it’s important to research and compare pricing from different providers in your area.

  4. Anesthesia

    We often receive the question, “will I be asleep for the procedure?” At Dental & Implant Centers Of Colorado, the answer can be yes. When needed, we include general anesthesia in our fees so you won’t be surprised with an additional cost later on.Other providers may advertise lower costs, but they might not include the anesthesia fee. Be sure to ask who will be providing the anesthesia as well. At Dental & Implant Centers Of Colorado, we believe it’s important for the surgeon to focus solely on the surgery rather than juggling both the anesthesia and surgery.

    Keep in mind that these are not the only factors that can affect the cost of the procedure, so it’s essential to do your own research and ask the right questions.

Full Mouth Dental Implant Costs

Here is an image of a chart from Care Credit’s website that outlines the costs of various dental procedures, including dental implants.

Dental Procedures Cost List
Dental Procedures Cost List

It’s important to note that the average cost of a root canal and crown combined is around $2,500. So if you needed this type of work done on 10 teeth, it would cost $25,000.

When traditional dental work fails, dental implants can be a solution. We’ve discussed the cost of single implants, but fortunately, you don’t need to pay for a separate implant for every missing tooth if you require a full set of dental implants.

That would cost a whopping $128,000!

Thanks to oral surgery pioneers from the 1950s and 1960s, we can attach a full set of teeth to between four and six dental implants.

Although many people wonder if health insurance will cover the cost of dental implants, the unfortunate truth is that it typically does not. However, there are ways to make getting dental implants more affordable.

Receiving financial support for full mouth dental implants: follow our patients’ lead and you can too!

Given that health insurance does not cover the cost and dental insurance may only provide a small fraction of financial assistance, let’s explore how almost 92% of our patients can afford full mouth dental implants with affordable monthly payment plans.

We collaborate with several third-party funding companies to offer the best payment plans feasible.Dental Implant financing options

Dental Implant financing options

To obtain financing, you should be aware of a few critical points. First and foremost, you need a credit score of at least 675, or you must know someone who does. The monthly payments for a single arch can be around $250-$450, while the cost for full mouth dental implants could be around $450-$900 per month.

Think you know everything now? Here’s more

You have been provided with some general information about dental implants, but there are two critical pieces of information that are specific to your situation that you still need to know.

First, you must find out if you are a candidate for dental implants. It is crucial because some patients may have lost too much bone to be eligible for the procedure. When a tooth is extracted, the bone in that area starts to shrink, and if too much bone is lost, dental implants may not be an option. So, the number one thing you need to determine is if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

The second crucial piece of information is the cost for your specific situation. It’s vital to understand if there are any additional factors like bone grafting or zygomatic implants, which may impact the total cost. If you’re not a suitable candidate for dental implants, then it doesn’t make sense to know the cost.

Once you have established if you’re a candidate and know what factors may impact the cost, then you can determine your financial situation and the payment plan that will work best for you. While you may have a general idea of the costs associated with dental implants, it’s essential to obtain specific information tailored to your unique situation.

Who We Are


While there are many offices throughout Colorado that claim to deliver top-notch dental implant services, few can actually live up to this promise. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, our office is one of the few that can provide you with the experience, results, and personalized care you deserve.

The awesome dental team at DICC collaborates to bring you educational material every month. Each post is reviewed by the doctor, hygienist & office manger team to ensure we bring you 100% verified and reliable content. Contact us at [email protected] to provide feedback on this blog.

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