Jaw bone loss

Dentures can serve as a quick fix for missing teeth, but they fail to address the underlying problem of bone loss. Despite being crafted from durable resin and customized to fit your mouth, dentures merely replace or simulate your natural smile.

While this approach may seem convenient, it fails to tackle the root cause of the issue. In reality, bone loss remains a persistent concern that cannot be resolved through dentures alone.

In the United States, our smiles hold significant value. With an array of whitening toothpaste, strips, and pens, as well as a variety of invisible aligners, braces, retainers, and dental practices in almost every city across the nation, we prioritize the appearance of our smiles.

We are drawn to a beautiful smile, aren’t we? However, our lifestyle habits often lead to unhealthy dental conditions, including missing teeth, which can ultimately detract from our smile’s beauty.

The Unfortunate Effects of Missing Teeth

It is a shocking reality that a significant number of adults in our country suffer from missing teeth. In fact, more than two-thirds of individuals in their mid-thirties and forties are missing at least one tooth, which is a startling statistic. Unfortunately, this is an undeniable fact.

Missing teeth can lead to bone loss if left unaddressed. This happens because the jawbone relies on the stimulation provided by the teeth to maintain its density and shape. Therefore, when teeth are missing, the jawbone no longer receives adequate stimulation, leading to bone loss over time. This process is similar to how arthritis affects joints, and it should be evident why missing teeth can cause bone loss.

To maintain joint health and prevent arthritis, rheumatologists often recommend weight-bearing exercises. Similarly, consuming healthy, hard foods such as carrots, apples, and broccoli can have a comparable impact on our mouths to weight-bearing exercises on our bodies. Biting and chewing exert a force that stimulates the jawbones, which helps them to remain strong and healthy for longer.

When we chew, the pressure created by our teeth stimulates the bone tissue, which signals the body to continue to maintain and strengthen it. When a tooth is missing, this stimulation is lost, and the bone tissue can begin to shrink.

It’s fascinating to realize that chewing has a more significant purpose than just aiding the digestive process. When we have missing teeth, the bone beneath that tooth is no longer stimulated, leading to its deterioration. The removal of the stimulus causes our bodies to start breaking down the bone. In fact, within the first year of a permanent tooth going missing, the surrounding bone begins to deteriorate quite rapidly.

Jaw bone loss due to missing teeth
Illustration showing jaw bone loss due to missing teeth

Over time, this bone loss can lead to a host of problems, including changes in the shape of the face, difficulty eating and speaking, and a higher risk of further tooth loss. In addition, it can make it more difficult to place dental implants or other tooth replacements, as there may not be enough bone to support them.

It is, therefore, essential to replace missing teeth if we want to prevent bone loss and preserve our jawbones. After all, without them, we won’t be able to smile!

What can we do to prevent bone loss?

Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to prevent or mitigate bone loss due to missing teeth. One of the most effective is to replace the missing tooth as soon as possible, either with a dental implant or a bridge. These restorations can help to stimulate the bone tissue and prevent further deterioration.

Nutrition also plays a vital role in maintaining good oral health, just as it does for the rest of our bodies.

As we age, our bodies tend to deplete certain essential nutrients, which means we need to consume a well-balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as high-quality proteins. It’s important to discuss with your doctor which supplements you need to support your bone density and to stay adequately hydrated with water on a regular basis.

Can Dentures Prevent Bone Loss?

Dentures may seem like a quick fix for missing teeth, but they do not address the underlying issue of bone loss in the jaw. Although they can replace the appearance of teeth, dentures do not stimulate the jawbone and can even contribute to further deterioration over time.

Furthermore, wearing dentures may provide a temporary solution to missing teeth, but they do nothing to prevent further deterioration of the jawbone. In fact, dentures can accelerate the rate of bone loss, leaving you feeling like you’ve been hit hard. This means you may need to spend more money to get your dentures refitted as your jawbone atrophies and they become too loose for your mouth.

It seems like dentures may not be the best solution for preventing bone loss.

Missing teeth and bone loss

So, what other options are available?

Dental implants: the solution for missing teeth and bone loss prevention

Indeed, our full mouth dental implants offer numerous benefits over dentures, particularly in preventing bone loss. Our implants are specifically designed to work in conjunction with your natural jaw structure. The small posts are directly inserted into your jawbone, which may sound daunting, but it’s actually a great thing. The implant becomes fused to your jawbone, allowing for direct contact that mimics your root structure.

Are you aware of the significance of this? It’s significant because our dental implants will promote the natural growth of your jawbone. Isn’t that amazing? This is exactly what you want.

You want your body to function as naturally as possible with your new teeth, and that’s exactly what our DICC smile provides. You can rely on our dental implants for a worry-free, beautiful smile.

Who We Are


While there are many offices throughout Colorado that claim to deliver top-notch dental implant services, few can actually live up to this promise. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, our office is one of the few that can provide you with the experience, results, and personalized care you deserve.

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