dental implants in denver denture repair

Smile In A Day – Dental Implant Procedure

Smile in a day (sometimes referred to as teeth in a day or all-on-4) replaces your teeth (or dentures) with a fully fixed bridge secured by a minimum of four dental implants.

It is the closest you can get to a full set of natural teeth and has a wide range of benefits (found lower down the page).

The Issue With Wearing Dentures

If you have dentures, you will be aware that they move around as you eat and speak. This tends to get worse over time because the jaws gradually shrink when there are no teeth present.

Eventually, there may be little bone for the dentures to rest on causing dentures to slip and slide, fall when speaking, or make chewing some foods impossible.

Avoid Embarrassment in Social Situations

Many of our patients have reported embarrassment in social situations, being afraid to go out for a meal with their loved ones, covering their mouth when laughing due to embarrassment, and avoiding photographs at social events and other family events.

In addition, when you are missing teeth, it leads to shrinking of the jaw bone and subsequent changes to the facial features such as wrinkles around the mouth, sunken cheeks, and a prominent chin.

Benefits of Smile In A Day or All-on-4 in Denver

  • Your New Teeth Will Have A Totally Natural Appearance
  • No More Worrying About Loose Dentures
  • Laugh And Smile Confidently Again
  • No More Denture Adhesive
  • No Need To Remove At Night
  • Fully Fixed In Bridge
  • Eat Your Favourite Foods Again

Who We Are


While there are many offices throughout Colorado that claim to deliver top-notch dental implant services, few can actually live up to this promise. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, our office is one of the few that can provide you with the experience, results, and personalized care you deserve.

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